
The Presidency is a time for sowing seeds

The 2025 Polish Presidency is a chance to boost Poland’s EU role by building relations, shaping narratives, and involving businesses.

The topic of the Polish Presidency is reaching its peak in Brussels and at congresses in Poland. This is understandable and evokes joy, especially among those who lived through the first historic presidency with excitement.

Today, however, we are at a completely different moment in history, which requires us - within this collective presidency and primarily its business dimension - not to have a romantic spurt but to step into a higher gear in the spirit of positivist grassroots work in Brussels.

In an article for Rzeczpospolita, BSP CEO, Bartek Czyczerski shares that the Polish Presidency in 2025 is a time for strategic 'sowing'—building narratives and relationships that will bring long-term benefits. Poland, the biggest beneficiary of EU enlargement in 2004, boasts impressive economic performance, but Polish business still punches below its weight in shaping the EU's regulatory environment. We cannot afford this in the new political and economic reality, and the presidency offers an opportunity to change this situation.

The key challenge is finding a way to better use Poland's economic potential in the European debate on competitiveness and industrial, climate and energy transformation. Just as Poland is becoming a 'needed state' - a reliable partner that pursues its national interests but also considers the needs of other players it can count on when needed - Polish business must follow suit. Sustained involvement in the co-creation of the political narrative in Brussels and cooperation with European industry and institutions will strengthen Poland's position in the EU for years, not just for the coming months.


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