Expert Groups
We support our activity in the area of legislation through membership in the following bodies:

EU Platform on Sustainable Finance
BSP has twice been selected to be part of the European Commission's expert advisory group to implement the EU taxonomy. From 2020 onwards, as the only Polish organisation from the CEE region, we are among the experts in the flagship project implementing the objectives of the EU taxonomy, defining funding pathways for sustainable transformation.
European Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE)
BSP participated in 2023 in the CCCE pilot project, a European Commission initiative to support European companies in increasing their participation in the energy transition and decarbonisation. BSP was involved in a consultancy project related to the development of research and innovation projects.
BIP - Biomethane Industrial Partnership
The partnership aims to support an increase in the annual production and consumption of sustainable biomethane and contribute to creating the conditions for a further increase in its potential by 2050. BSP became an associate member of the BIP in 2022 and, from 2024, has been included in the work of a task force to identify the potential of innovative biomass sources across the EU and to identify the conditions under which this potential could be unlocked.
EUFertilisers Market Observatory
In 2023 BSP has been included among the entities of the newly established group of experts of the European Commission, which examines factors influencing the development of the fertiliser market in the EU. The opportunity to participate directly in the work of this body is part of efforts to support the interests of the Polish fertiliser and food sector.
Let's talk
We provide our partners with professional tools to influence the EU legislative environment and help build effective coalitions supporting the interests of Polish industry and science.